
onsdag den 10. august 2011

gap year is a strange year

Shorts H&M - Top Lee (the safety pins are DIY) - Shoes Buffalo London - Sunglasses H&M

It is strange - not going back to school this year. Some of my friends still have one year left on college, but I am going to hold a gap year as I graduated this summer (I'm sure you are aware of that due to all the pictures I have shown in here :D ). I'm gonna do some travelling. Experience the world. Of course I can't wait to go to South America (count down: 21 days to departure), but I kind of miss going back to the known settings with my friends. Anyway - I am so exited of this year. I'm gonna travel till I drop (can you even say that?) and enjoy my life fully.
These pictures were taken in Copenhagen this summer. I have actually visited Copenhagen three times this summer. Amazing. Back then I wore shorts and top. I miss those sunny days, as it won't stop raining these days. Where is the summer? I'm glad I'm going south in three weeks.

6 kommentarer:

  1. great photos:)

  2. Take it all in- South America sounds amazing. I think gap years are fantastic because you have such a better idea about who you are and what you want in life by the time you go back to school.

  3. Hej smukke, synes lige du skal kigge på det øverste billede fra KBH og kigge til højre for dig, hvor der står "en ren fornøjelse" - dette citat passer jo bare perfekt til at beskrive vores skønne tur :D

  4. Maria Chloe: thanks ! :)

    Katie: ya, you are right. I'm just a little bit sad not going back. Maybe it's stupid .. but thank you for that sweet comment

    Luisa: Ja, det har jeg set. Det er vildt godt fanget, for det var da bare en ren fornøjelse!!!! :)

  5. Lovely outfit! I adore everything about it :)

    -Laura xox


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