Watch Christina London - Bracelet Meinert - Shirt Vintage - Jeans DrDenim -
Shoes London - Jersey Gestuz
Yesterday we arrived to Berlin and found our apartment, got some food and then off to bed... Funny how it makes you tired driving all day - you do nothing but sitting in the car?! Well, today we got a guided tour on bike and saw the real Berlin. Very exiting to follow small tracks and finding restaurant which you wouldn't experience as a turist in other ways. The most inspirering place on the tour was a creative neighbourhood in the east. That is were the pictures is from. The car is covered with grass - how wierd?! And there was this huge bench which I just had to get on. Pretty difficult :) But I got up there, and shot some fun pictures. The weather here is rainy - a pitty because I think the city is more beautiful in sunshine. I'm off to dinner soon and tonight my sister and I will watch a movie and eat some Hägen-Datz. Yummy!
That giant bench is awesome! Love the sweater.
SvarSletya, it is pretty fun :) thanks, saves every outfit !!
SvarSletdet lyder til, at du hygger dig!
SvarSletjeg vil også på ferie!! - men, men, men så er det godt, at der venter 2 måneders ferie lige om hjørnet :-)
knus til dig.
ahahha tooo cool :D :D
funny car !
ja, det bliver lækkert :) glæder mig! knus fra chris
SvarSletHvor er det skønne billeder! Ser ud som et sjovt sted :)
tak :) det er det skam!